Jimena Dibb es la capacitadora de Prácticas del Lenguaje del colegio. A nosotros los alumnos de Y6 nos brindó una conferencia sobre el género fantásticos. En esta oportunidad quisimos hacerle una entrevista a propósito...
Did you see two bins in your classroom? One is for dry, clean paper and cardboard. The other one is for garbage, Please help us respect this! Thank You!
Nature club....
When we came back from the July holidays, we found a black wall on the second floor next to the locker area and the lab. What do you think this black wall is for?
We invite you to leave your ideas as a comment in this blog....
Nature Club is formed by about seven members. Their objective is to help the Garraham Hospital and cooperating with the planet.
Their first project was making big plastic bottles for the children of other forms to collect bottle tops. Another fun project was making tissue paper holders with plastic...
Sports Centre
Sport Center is a committee formed by 14 pupils. They meet every Friday in the 6C classroom. Their objective is to organise a football tournament for students of Y1, Y2 and Y3. They went to classes to see who wanted to participate and who didn't want to. Nowadays there are 150 players...
Would you like to know what the other Committees are doing?
We visited the other Committees to find out what their plans were.
In “Jugando con los chicos”, the members are preparing are rehearsing two plays for...
St Andrew’s had some visitors from Australia who came for an exchange with Y11 students.
On Wednesday, April 13th, three students from Jean Paul College, from Brisbane, visited us. They made a short presentation showing the Y2 kids interesting facts about their country. They taught them the...
We are a group of Y6 students who consider the idea of the Newspaper project as an excellent means of communication in an interactive way. In this way we could share with our community, what is happening inside the school as well as the most important current events outside the school, in a fun way. This is our way of expressing ourselves freely, to show our feelings and yours as well.
Newspaper Team: Alejandro Vaz Ferreira, Maximiliano Vera Feld, Pablo Nizzo, Ignacio Reyes, Francisco Navone, Ignacio Arnold, Nicolás Dilernia, Joaquín Franzetti, Alejandra Quaglia, Luz del Río, Marta Lavista